Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Universal Law of Abundance

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Abundance.

     The Universal Law of Abundance is also referred to as the Universal Law of Opulence and the Universal Law of Success. It states that we can create success through a visualization process in which we focus on the abundance we desire. By maintaining positive thoughts about what we intend to co-create, we can draw to us an abundance of cash and an abundance of positive qualities that support our interactions with others. This Law also reminds us that we are so much more than our possessions. We live in the world and so we can benefit from material abundance; however, we want to maintain a more holistic focus that encompasses spiritual richness as well.
     With the economic challenges many people are facing, the tendency is to focus on material abundance. When we can step back and look at the bigger picture, we may choose instead to focus on an abundance of happiness or and abundance of insight or an abundance of wisdom. Perhaps we would benefit from visualizing an abundance of trust or an abundance of grace. With this shift of focus to more esoteric qualities, new energies come in that support our physical needs as well as our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. To bring these energies all the way down to the physical plane, we may also focus on co-creating an abundance of right action and synchronous timing so that we continue to take steps to success in alignment with divine timing.
     The Light Language sacred geometry grid pictured above is made of light energy and is 3-dimensional in nature. each colored shape carries a particular vibrational frequency that has been specially chosen to adjust the energies listed below as they relate to the co-creation of abundance and success. Starting at the top and moving in a clockwise direction, the individual shapes relate to:

Connection and Creating

Commitment and Discipline

Love and Spirit/Earth

Details and Follow-Through

Grounding and Action

Relationships and Communication

Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

Intention and Decision/Desire

     As you focus on the light grid pictured above, visualize an abundance of success in all areas of life throughout the coming year.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Universal Laws of Solar Union and Solar Evolution

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Solar Union.

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Solar Evolution.

     Yesterday was winter solstice, the moment of the year when the earth comes around in its orbit from moving away from the sun to moving back toward it. As we move closer to the sun, our days are increasingly filled with light. The sun is our life force. It nourishes plants which in turn nourish us. Sunlight provides our bodies with vitamin D, a nutrient important to our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The sun also nourishes our spiritual energies, serving as a beacon of light that teaches how to shine our light which is our true nature.
     To celebrate the return of the light, we are focusing this week on two universal laws that relate to the sun: the Universal Laws of Solar Union and Solar Evolution. These Laws support us in holding the sun's light as an example of how we too can shine. We We each have the potential to shine the light of Source so brightly that we too emanate life force energy so that others may thrive. May our expressions of light nourish others as the sun nourishes us. By allowing ourselves to increase our shining, we experience our own personal soul-ar evolution.
     I invite you to spend time this week consciously connecting with the sun as we also celebrate the birth of the Son, Jesus Christ. The last verse of Silent Night says it all:

Silent night, holy night,
Son of God loves pure light,
Radiant beams from thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace . . .

     Each of us is the son (or daughter) of God. It is our nature to love light and to radiate it outward through our eyes and through our smiles. We can consciously choose to reflect the bright light of the sun to all we meet. Breathe in its golden light. Imagine that light spreading through your body. Allow it to illuminate your brain and brighten your thoughts. As you connect with our beautiful sun, consider it to be a highly evolved intelligence capable of supporting life on earth and beyond, also capable of communicating with the suns of other star systems. Just as each individual soul follows a path of spiritual evolution to ultimately merge back with Source, so each sun (sol) also evolves, uplifting all of the life forms that depend on it in the process.
     The Light Language sacred geometry grids pictured above are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each colored shape carries a particular vibrational frequency that has been specifically chosen to adjust the energies listed below as they relate to our soul-ar evolution. Starting at the top and moving in a clockwise direction, the individual shapes relate to:

Connection and Creating

Commitment and Discipline

Love and Spirit/Earth

Details and Follow-Through

Grounding and Action

Relationships and Communication

Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

Intention and Decision/Desire

     As you focus on the two light grids pictured above, invite the sun to enlighten your awareness of these energies so crucial to life.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Universal Law of Honesty

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Honesty.

     The Universal Law of Honesty involves deep inner authenticity and its outward expression in all we say and do. We have to be honest with ourselves before we can be honest with others. Sometimes we think we are talking and walking our truth when actually we are living out a story we mistakenly bought into. Thus we take on the persona of being more than or less than we truly are; we end up wearing a mask created by insecurity. Deep down we are afraid to fully shine our light and so we choose to hide it by withdrawing or by puffing ourselves up in some way that is false. We are out of integrity and we don't even realize it.
     To be truly aligned with Honesty, we act in accordance with the Higher Will. While we may be aware of nagging impulses from the lower self, we do not act on them. We know that when we break the higher laws, we harm ourselves by setting into motion a stream of consequences lovingly designed to bring us back on track. This is not a punishment meted out by the universe; rather it is an opportunity for us to realign with truth. As this Law states, "When we let fear stop us from expressing our true feelings and needs, we are being dishonest with ourselves and it costs us a sense of energy and spirit."   
     The Light Language Compass grid pictured above includes colored sacred geometries that have been specially selected to shift major energies related to the Universal Law of Honesty. As you look at the array of geometries, each shape is aligned with a point of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal navigational system that helps us stay on our Divine path. The top center point relates to the North energy, the far right point relates to the East energy, and so on. The directional points align with the following energies that are crucial for us to flow with grace and ease through life:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit / Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision / Desire

     I invite you to spend time interacting with this sacred geometry grid of light energy as you consider Honesty as it relates to these sixteen master energies listed above. Breathe in each colored shape. Touch them. Listen to them. Meditate on them. Notice shifts in vibration that occur as you focus on each one and then on the whole compilation. Each colored shape carries a unique vibrational frequency; each holds deep truths for all who are open to receive. They work with the soul to bring forth deep inner truths. It is not necessary to understand what they do in order to receive their benefit. Ask to know:

  • Where am I aligned with fear?
  • Where am I aligned in truth?
  Then allow the insights to come to you as you make newly empowered choices based in love and light and truth.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Universal Law of Intuition

Being Consciously Aligned with the Universal Law of Intuition.

     The Universal Law of Intuition states that we cannot access our own intuition until we stop looking for approval or confirmation from others. Our sense of self-worth and identity has to be strong in order for us to connect with the sacred inner wisdom each of us carries. As long as we continue to doubt our knowing and second guess our inner guidance, we remain in a state of confusion about what is true. When we give our authority away to the opinions of others, we exacerbate the problem.
     The universe always says "yes." Each time we doubt our inner wisdom, we co-create the reality of being mistaken about what we think is true and so our inner guidance is hit or miss. The first step is to figure out who we truly are. Do we have any idea how powerful we truly are. Do we know that we are pure conduits for God energy? Do we know that we are miracles capable of creating miracles? When we know these truths, our intuition will flow freely and clearly.
     The Light Language Grid pictured above carries energies designed to open us up to greater intuition. The colored shapes depicted here are made of colored light and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color holds a particular vibrational frequency that has been chosen to adjust our Pearlescent Compass, our universal navigational system that assists us in aligning with our divine direction and soul purpose. Each colored shape corresponds to one of the directional energies of the Compass, listed below.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision / Desire

     As we become more and more conscious of these directional energies in our life, we open ourselves to being divine channels of inner wisdom. We become clear about who we are and what we are here to do; we stop doubting our inner knowing and our intuition reaches new heights. I invite you to spend time this week considering these sixteen energies in your life. Notice how they relate to your intuition--do they foster its expansion or do they create further doubt? Tune in to each colored shape and ask for it to adjust your aura in relation to the directional energy of each point as it relates to your intuition. Then use your inner knowing to monitor energetic shifts and insights that come to you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Universal Law of Summons

Being Consciously Aligned with the Universal Law of Summons.

     The Universal Law of Summons states that we can converse soul to soul, without ego, to convey messages of love or to share information or to make a heart-felt plea. We can learn how to lift our soul and another's soul out of the body so that we may communicate at a profound level that is clear of personal agendas and misplaced motives. In order to truly engage in this form of communication, we have to be able to set our ego aside. Otherwise we run the risk of inventing messages based on what we want to hear rather than what is soul truth.
     The key is being able to get out of the way so deep soul communication can occur. It is something that can be learned over time with conscious recognition of our egoic tendencies. In soul-to-soul communication, the personal stories fall away. If we are caught up in being right, we have not yet reached the soul level. Soul communication is accessed through an approach of sacred humility, free of attachment to what messages might come through for us or for the other person. The knowing happens at a very deep level, sometimes in a flash, sometimes in a gentle unfolding. When soul talk occurs, it is possible that we will not come away with specific messages pertaining to the situation--this is the case when the messages only serve to keep us or the other person locked into the story. Rather we come away knowing that both parties have experienced a shift in energy. There is pervasive inner stillness as clear waves of light and sound energy surround both souls. From this place of peace, love, and truth, deep healing can occur.
     The Light Language Compass Grid pictured above carries energies designed to open us up to soul talk. The colored shapes that are depicted here are made of colored light and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color holds a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust our Pearlescent Compass, our universal navigational system that assists us in aligning with our divine direction and our soul path. Each colored shape corresponds to one of the master directional energies of the Compass, listed below:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I encourage you to spend time focusing on this grid of colored light as you ask to become a clear channel for soul talk. A great place to begin is to talk with your own soul, lower self to higher self. Stay out of the story of your life. Remember that listening is an important part of communication. Create the space for listening to the stillness of your soul--this is the first step to summoning soul communication.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Universal Law of Color

Resonating with the Universal Law of Color.

      The Universal Law of Color states that all colors heal. They act as attractors of energy, profoundly affecting the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Each color has a particular vibration and attracts a particular type of energy to it.
     We are made of color. Our auras are comprised of color, tone, symbols, and light. We can change the aura by focusing concentrated rays of color to specific parts of the body. Colors can be blended and combined in ways that are harmonious so that we are made more whole by their addition to our aura. Other colors are diametrically opposed to each other and so create disharmony when added to the colors already present in the aura.   
     We can thus use color to shift our thoughts and feelings as well as to strengthen our connection to Spirit. One way to accomplish this is to be consciously appreciative of the rich rainbow pallette available all around us. Some people are very sensitive to color and some people hardly notice it. Wherever our awareness of color falls within this continuum, we can increase our resonance with the Universal Law of Color by noticing the responses colors invoke in us.  Which colors uplift us? Do we take the time to breathe these in? Which ones repel us? Do we make efforts to replace repelling colors with those that feed our spirit?
     The Light Language Compass Grid pictured above consists of colored sacred geometries specially chosen to adjust the aura's resonance so that we are more conscious of the Universal Law of Color at play in our lives. As we focus on the grid, the colors and shapes become implanted in our auras, creating positive change in our vibrational structure. Each colored shape is made of colored light and is 3-dimensional in nature. Each color and each shape carries a specific harmonic resonance and has been carelfully chosen to adjust the master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal guidance system that aligns us with our purpose and our path.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     During these days of vibrant fall color, take time to drink in the amazing hues of God's magnificent creation. Focus on your favorite shades and tones and give thanks for them. Each time we thank God for the beauty of colors, we brighten our auras and increase our light.

If you would like to learn
how to work consciously
with color and sacred geometry,
Zabe offers Light Language classes
(private and small group) by Skype.
Please contact her for details:


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Universal Law of Love

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Love.

     The Universal Law of Love states that we move through stages of love as part of our spiritual evolution. At the level of the personality, love takes on the form of desire; this is a limiting form of love. When we realize its limiting nature, we eventually become complete with love at this level and so we move on to love at the mental (Buddhic) level where it becomes the wisdom of the heart. As our love continues to evolve in consciousness, we eventually become complete with this expression of love. We expand on to the spiritual (Monadic) level. Here love takes on the form of Oneness which leads us into Divine Union with Source. We have to be complete with one level before we can move onto the next; we may have glimpses and brief experiences of the higher forms of love but we are not able to be anchored in them until we are complete with the previous level.
     I invite you to spend time focusing on the Light Language Compass Grid, pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the sixteen master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal  universal navigational system that brings us more consciously into alignment with our Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of the Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pause from time to time throughout the following week to consider how these energies relate to your conscious awareness of the Universal Law of Love.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     As you feel love spring up inside of you in the following days, consider which type of love you are experiencing: desire, wisdom, or oneness. Do not fall into a pattern of judgment believing one form to be superior to another. Know that they all lead to the same place and serve as valuable steps along the path to complete union with the Creator of all Creation. Honor where you are each step of the way as you enjoy the flow of love in your life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Universal Law of Process

     The Universal Law of Process is all about following our purpose and our path here on earth. This Law suggests that we all come to Earth with certain goals we are to accomplish in our life. These goals are a part of the Divine Plan and it is our responsibility to complete them within a lifetime (or possibly within several lifetimes, depending on the goal in question).  In order to accomplish a goal, we should become clear about our direction and then prioritize the small steps we will take to get there. In this way we set the energies that will support us into an order and this order is important for us to follow. We falter when we skip steps in an attempt to take a short cut. The amount of intention we put into something determines what we get out of it. When we try to skip steps and take short cuts, we diminish the power of our intention which in turn diminishes our process as well as our ability to reach our goal. Rather than skipping these crucial steps, it is most import that we celebrate the process of taking them. Instead of being so focused on our destination, we do well to enjoy each step of the journey, each part of the process.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light language Compass grid, pictured above.The colored shapes in this grid a re made of light energy and are three-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust and align the sixteen master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal navigational system that brings us into alignment with our Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of the Pearlescent Companies are listed below. Pause from time to time this following week to consider how these energies relate to your relationship with the Universal Law of Process:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Spirit/Earth and Love

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Action and Grounding

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     How well are you engaged in the process of your life? Do you remember to celebrate each step while you are taking it and to celebrate it again after you have completed it? By celebrating the small steps, you can trust that you are where you need to be in each moment. Fear and doubt fall away and you now honor the process as it unfolds before you, one step at a time. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Universal Law of the Present Moment

Being Aligned with the Present Moment.

     The Universal Law of the Present Moment states that Time does not really exist. What we perceive as the passage of time is merely a mental construct. As a society of humans on earth, we have come to an agreement through language to refer to events as past or future or present as a way for us to order ideas and concepts. Our minds have latched onto this idea of past and future and made it a habit to focus on them, bringing the emotions into play as well so that we feel as if we are bound to our past and pulled toward our future. We get caught up in feeling regrets for our past as we allow visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and emotional memories to play again and again in our minds. We transport these sensations and memories into our imaginings of what the future will be like, and so we become fearful and anxious about things that have not even happened.
     We fail to realize that time is merely an abstract concept. The concrete truth is that all we ever really have is the present moment. The past is gone and the future is not here. All we have is the NOW. This is the most important thing that we can remember. We do well to align our focus with the here and now. As we practice this discipline, past regrets fall away and future fears dissipate. With this practice, our experience of life improves. No longer sad about what is not here anymore or worried about what has not yet happened, we are free to experience the NOW. And as we enjoy this present moment, and the next one, and the next one, our present moments improve and perceptions and experiences of life get better and better.
     The colored shapes in the Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid, pictured above, are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass, listed below, as they relate to the Universal Law of the Present Moment.  

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow Through

South:  Action and Grounding

South West:  Relationships and Commitment

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I invite you to spend time focusing on this grid of colored light as you consider the above energies as they relate to your ability to be in the present moment. For our lives to flow smoothly with grace and ease, we need to be centered in each of these master energies. Being in the Now brings us to that place of centeredness; it is the center of the compass.

Reflections on the Universal Law of the Present Moment

     Yesterday was Halloween, a day of the year when the veils of illusion are thinner than usual. I went for a hike in the national park where I live and was struck by an increased awareness of the present moment. I felt so completely connected to everything around me. It was as if all else fell away and in a given moment, I was only experiencing the leaf I was studying or the tree I was admiring or the bug I was tracking. It was as if I was experiencing the wind on my face and the sound it made through the trees for the first time--as if none of this had ever happened before. I was grateful for the experience--so much so that I was unable to think of anything else. It was such a joyful experience to walk through the woods and focus on the rocks and leaves under my feet, sensing them so completely. I could actually feel the veins of the leaves through my shoes and know what it was like for the earth to feel the rocks pressing into it as I stepped on them. Such an amazing experience--so simple and so profound.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Universal Law of Group Progress.

Joining Harmoniously with the Universal Law of Group Progress.

     The Universal Law of Group Progress is also called the Universal Law of Elevation. It focuses on the power of group effort. It states that when we come together as a group and blend our specific knowledge, skills, and talents with the knowledge, skills, and talents of others, we are all uplifted. Through this sharing we progress together at a sure and steady pace even when the task at hand seems insurmountable.
     We are at a time in our human evolution when the ancient secret wisdom of cultures across the planet is resurfacing back into the light of consciousness. As the information and teachings from various traditions are brought back together into a synthesis of whole truth, perceived separation falls away and we enter into increased states of being One with All. As we share our energies and our intentions for the greater good with one another, no matter how our styles of presentation may differ, elevation and evolution occurs. Rather than battling to be right or competing to rise to the top, we take turns lifting each other up so that we all reach the pinacle together.
     I encourage you all to spend time this week considering the ways in which you support the various groups with which you participate. How do they elevate you? What energies do you contribute to elevate their members? In what ways are you in service to these groups? As you cosider these questions, I invite you to focus on the Light Language Compass grid, pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light eergy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, your internal GPS system that brings you into alignment with your Divine Direction and your Soul Path. The master directional energies of your Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Consider throughout the coming week how these energies relate to the way in which you interact with groups:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:   Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     We all have gifts to share that serve to elevate the groups to which we belong. Sometimes all it takes is a smile or a laugh or a few kind words. And sometimes we elevate a group by our very being--by emanating our light and love that we are to all we contact. As you focus on the above grid of colored light, you may choose to allow it to settle into your aura where it will shine for all you meet, serving to elevate them in their group interactions as well. What a wonderful way to assist in the evolutionary progression of humans here on earth!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Universal Law of Knowledge

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Knowledge.

     The Universal Law of Knowledge focuses on the focused and appropriately directed use of energy. The ways in which we use or misuse energy determines the types of knowledge we are able to access. As we are able to focus and apply energy in alignment with the higher good, more and more information comes through to us. As we continue honing our abilities to direct energy appropriately, the information we receive becomes more and more advanced as we become able to tap into higher sources of truth. More important than the information that comes through to us is the development of mindfulness--this is true knowledge. Learning to direct our thoughts and energies consciously determines the degree of knowledge that we carry and the level of information we can access. In addition we grow to know the different types of energy, their various sources, and the laws that govern them. We also learn the proper use of force so that we are not using energies to work against divine order by manipulating these energies to our own selfish will; rather we apply the use of energy  in alignment with Divine Will.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass grid pictured above.  The colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are three-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been carefully chosen to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, an internal navigational system that brings us ito alignment with our Divine Direction and our Soul Path. The master directional energies of the Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pay attention in the coming week to the ways in which these energies relate to the Universal Law of Knowledge and your own spiritual development.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     Which of these energies detract from increased knowledge and which ones support it. Consciously focusing on these sixteen energies will expand your knowledge base.

Reflection on the Universal Law of Knowledge
     I have two friends who spend time together from time to time. The woman, who is extremely focused on her spiritual development, walks her talk much of the time and regularly takes inventory of her thoughts, words, and actions, correcting and realigning them as her awareness continues to grow. The man talks his talk very well; he knows all of the spiritual "right responses" which he uses to manipulate conversations to his favor rather than pausing to consider what he might learn from others. He is very good at talking and not so good at listening. He uses his energy to control situations rather than surrendering to the flow.  A former alcoholic, he recently began drinking again, insisting that he can handle drinking a glass of wine each evening which he claims he does for medicinal purposes.
     The male in this duo has had the desire for some time to be able to receive messages from the trees. He engages in native american prayer ceremonies in which he further controls the energies in an attempt to talk with the trees. He receives an occasional message from time to time and yet it is never anything new--always a rehashing of a message he has already received from someone else.
     One day the woman was with them and they were walking through the woods. Frustrated by the way he was manipulating the conversation, she stepped off the path and put her hands on a tree, asking the tree to guide her in how to handle her interactions with him. As she placed her hands on the tree, messages poured through her consciousness. The messages seemed to come in layers, each one taking her deeper into her own truth. She had never before asked a tree for guidance--and receiving messages from trees had never been a goal of hers. Without attempting to control anything, she felt pulled to connect with a tree and to examine her own part in the misaligned interactions that were occuring.
     The fact that she was able to receive the tree's wisdom so easily when he had struggled for over a year to do so speaks to the Universal Law of Knowledge. Her appropriately directed use of energy in so many areas of her life opened her up for this knowledge to pour through her; his inappropriately directed use of energy was blocking him from this same knowledge because he was not yet ready for it. For him to gai the knowledge of communicating with trees, he will do well to stop drinking and stop controlling energy. When he learns how to be more in the flow, this knowledge will flow freely through him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Universal Law of the Lotus

Blossoming with the Universal Law of the Lotus.

     The Universal Law of the Lotus is short and sweet and yet its meaning is profound. It represents the flowering of Self; this Law gives guidance as to how we can nurture the flowering of our inner light. Within the seed of a flower is the potential to grow into a beautiful, awe-inspiring expression of God's creation. It contains in its dna all it needs to unfold into a light-filled and light-emanating being that reflects the Divine Order of the universe. Each of us is born with this potential to open fully into our glory. Some of us bloom quickly while others of us wait until the end of the season. And some remain dormant, waiting lifetimes to come into their own.
     There is a three-fold braid of energies that support this flowering. The energies in this braid include knowledge, love, and sacrifice. Knowledge occurs when we integrate experience, embracing our lessons until the charge they carry is transmuted into wisdom that we can then share freely with others. This type of knowing occurs at a soul level and carries a great deal of light which supports the opening of our lotus petals.
     The second strand of the braid involves the opening of the heart into a state of full loving that is free of conditions and expectations. Our many relationships with the people in our lives provide opportunities for us to choose love rather than fear; each time we make the choice for love, our lotus opens up a little bit more as more of our inner light is revealed to the outside world.
     The third strand of the braid is the one that is perhaps the most misunderstood. It requires sacrifice. What does this mean? Many holy people have lead austere lives, giving up the things that they loved the most as a way of making sacrifices to God. While this is a valid path for reconnecting with the light and love of Source, it is not the only way for our lotus to blossom.
     Sacrifice does not require martyrdom. It is possible to give up energies that no longer serve without giving up that which brings us joy. We can sacrifice worry and replace it with trust. We can sacrifice fear and replace it with joy. We can sacrifice erronious beliefs and replace them with truth. Each time that we let go of an energy that no longer serves, we make a sacrifice; in so doing, we consciously surrender our personal will to a higher power or higher energy as we allow that new energy to carry us through life at a higher vibration and with greater ease and grace.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass grid pictured above. Te colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are three-dimensional in nature. each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been carefully chosen to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, an internal GPS system that brings us into alignment with our Divine Direction and our Soul Path. The master directional energies of the Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pay attention in the coming week to the ways in which these energies relate to the Universal Law of the Lotus and to the flowering of your own inner light.

North: Connection and creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

Which of these energies need to shift in order for your light to bloom?

Reflections on the Universal Law of the Lotus

     For me the lesson with this law is about my misperceptions regarding sacrifice. I have chosen to sacrifice many things in my life--many times because I felt that it was the right thing to do. In some cases these sacrifices caused my lotus to open more; in some cases, they caused its petals to pull back in. Giving up alcohol after years of abusing it was a sacrifice that helped me bloom. Giving up theater and other activities that brought me joy when my daughter was born because I thought it was "right" to be home every evening with her was, in retrospect, a sacrifice that delayed my blossoming. What I know now that I didn't know then was the importance of Joy. When we sacrifice the things that bring us joy, we contract our lotus. When we sacrifice the things that interfere with our joy--like the need to be right, the need to be in control, or the need to blame--we open our lotus.
     This does not mean that we become irresponsible, doing whatever we please at any given moment. It is possible to be responsible and remain in joy. The key is to align with joy as we take care of our responsibilities. We can be joyful about making choices that support us or those we love instead of focusing on what we are "giving up" in order to meet these responsibilities. Instead of feeling remorse about what we have given up, we can feel joyful about what we have chosen in its place. in this way sacrifice becomes an energy that enhances our light instead of one that detracts from it. When we approach sacrifice from a place of "should" or "right," we contract out petals; when we approach sacrifice for a place of empowered choosing, we spread our petals and shine our light.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Universal Law of Higher Will

Being in Alignment with the Universal Law of Higher Will.

     The Universal Law of Higher Will supports us in surrendering the personal preferences and desires of our lower self. Through the process of surrendering what we think we want, we focus instead on our higher will which always aligns with the greatest good of all. It is not just a surrendering of attitude; it is a surrendering of inaction as we become willing to actively step up and support the higher good. Thus we take appropriate action steps with our intention consciously aligned with the best interests of all.
     This Law requires us to set aside our personal desires that loom at the forefront of our minds and to instead shift our perspective to include the planet, the universe, and beyond. The more we practice living by this Law, the broader our perspective becomes. It becomes second nature to make the greater good the priority. As we continue to live this intention, our own personal desires automatically align with the greater good because this has become our primary focus.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the sacred geometry light grid pictured above as you asked to become more closely aligned with the Universal Law of Higher Will. The colored shapes in this Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid are made of colored light and are three-dimensional in form. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chose to support the master directional energies (listed below) of your internal GPS navigational system as they relate to the Universal Law of Higher Will

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I encourage you to focus on these directional energies in conjunction with the Universal law of Higher Will and the above grid of colored light. Allow the energies of this array of colored shapes to connect you more deeply and more actively with the greater good of all. Consciously ask, "What in me needs to shift in order for me to be aligned with the highest good of all?" Then allow new insights to fill your awareness throughout the week to come, knowing that your growing desire to become more aligned with the higher good of all represents your innate ability to do so. The more you align with the greater good, the more you will glow from within, inspired by the purpose of your soul to assist in the ascension process of humanity, the planet, the universe, and the cosmos.

Reflections on the Universal law of Higher Will
     In reflecting on the Universal Law of Unconditional Love, I suggested that it is ok to step back from direct interactions within a relationship when the other person's behavior is inappropriate and/or abusive. At first glance, this stepping back appears to go against the Universal Law of Higher Will because one is being guided by their personal preference of how they wish to be treated. In this instance, you are aligned with the higher good if you truly believe that you are facilitating a useful lesson for the other person and if you believe/know that by standing up for yourself, you serve as a beacon of light to others going through a similar situation.
     It all comes down to the intention behind the action you take. Are you running away or are you empowering yourself so that you can better go on to empower others? Are you focused on solutions or are you focused on the problem? Is it in the greater good for you to step back in order to better serve your community in other ways?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Universal Law of Unconditional Love

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Unconditional Love.

     The Universal Law of Unconditional Love is about loving ourselves and others as we/they are, without judgments, conditions, or expectations. Unconditional love is not only a Law; it is a condition of reality; that is, it is an energy that permeates creation--an energy which is readily available to us from Source whenever we choose to tap into it. We tap into this never-ending flow of unconditional love each time we honor ourselves and others. We widen the flow of the unconditional love we experience the more we consciously agree to accept ourselves and each other as we are, perhaps agreeing to disagree on the specifics of being in order to more deeply connect with the greater truth of who we truly are underneath our differences. 
     It is easy to honor one another when we keep in mind that we do not have the full picture. We are not able to hold in our consciousness everything a soul has been through up to the time they are standing before us. We do not always see the whole picture of how their current role supports the unfolding of the Divine Order of the universe. Maybe they are a highly evolved spiritual being who volunteered to take on a life of challenges in order to clear the generational dna of an entire family. Or maybe they took on the role of persecutor this lifetime to teach others how not to be. Perhaps you yourself signed up for challenges as a way of supporting the greater good--and so why do you judge yourself so harshly?
     The Universal Law of Unconditional Love also requires that we love freely and openly without restraint. God is love and we are expressions of that Love. Why then do we hold it back? It is our true nature to allow love to flow freely through us. When we do this, we maintain a deep connection with our higher self. From this connected state of unconditional love for all we encounter, we notice that we say and do the right things at the right times. We are in sync with the world around us and our life flows with grace and ease.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the sacred geometry light grid pictures above as you ask to experience the energy of unconditional love to flow in you and through you. The colored shapes in this Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid are made of light energy and are three-dimensional in form. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the master energies (listed below) of your internal GPS navigational system as they relate to the Law of Unconditional Love:

North: Creating and Connection

North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-Through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lesson/Knowledge and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to focus on these directional energies in conjunction with the Law of Unconditional Love and the above grid of colored light. Allow the energies of this array of colored shapes to connect you more deeply with the flowing love that is your true nature. Consciously ask, "What needs to shift around each directional energy for you to become the unconditional flow of love that you are?" As new insights come through to you, the process of allowing will unfold.

Reflections on Unconditional Love 
     My lesson this week around the Universal Law of Unconditional Love involved maintaining healthy boundaries while continuing to love freely and openly. Unconditional love includes loving ourselves enough to stand up for what we believe. It is important that we love ourselves enough to stand in our power by maintaining high standards for how we are treated. We are free to walk away when others fail to treat us with the respect and attention we desire. This does not mean that we stop loving the other person unconditionally; we can continue to love them from a distance. But if they are unable to be appropriate in their interactions with us, we are not required to subject ourselves to abuse--silent or expressed. It is possible to place conditions on our time and energy without placing conditions on our love.
     Of course we can communicate with the other person and let them know how we feel. We can request a change in behavior and can be patient while we give them the opportunity to shift the behavior in question. We can also support them in their efforts to change. The important distinction is that we are setting conditions on behavior, not on being. We can still completely and fully love them for who they are--a precious child of God--without condoning inappropriate behavior. And we can require that behavior change in order for us to continue our interactions with them. This requirement is independent of the love we feel for them. We continue to love them unconditionally, whether or not they change and whether or not we continue to spend time with them. 
     We express unconditional love when we keep them in our prayers and when we continue to wish for them blessings of light and healing. Just as we continue to love our children even when we are angry at them for breaking a rule put in place for their own good, so we can continue to love all of God's children in spite of their misguided transgressions. We recognize that everyone is innately worthy of love. We send this love out to all freely, without discrimination; we then discern whether or not we choose to spend our time and energy directly with them or whether we prefer to maintain a healthy distance as a way of supporting our own personal energy and unconditionally loving ourselves.