Monday, November 1, 2010

The Universal Law of the Present Moment

Being Aligned with the Present Moment.

     The Universal Law of the Present Moment states that Time does not really exist. What we perceive as the passage of time is merely a mental construct. As a society of humans on earth, we have come to an agreement through language to refer to events as past or future or present as a way for us to order ideas and concepts. Our minds have latched onto this idea of past and future and made it a habit to focus on them, bringing the emotions into play as well so that we feel as if we are bound to our past and pulled toward our future. We get caught up in feeling regrets for our past as we allow visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and emotional memories to play again and again in our minds. We transport these sensations and memories into our imaginings of what the future will be like, and so we become fearful and anxious about things that have not even happened.
     We fail to realize that time is merely an abstract concept. The concrete truth is that all we ever really have is the present moment. The past is gone and the future is not here. All we have is the NOW. This is the most important thing that we can remember. We do well to align our focus with the here and now. As we practice this discipline, past regrets fall away and future fears dissipate. With this practice, our experience of life improves. No longer sad about what is not here anymore or worried about what has not yet happened, we are free to experience the NOW. And as we enjoy this present moment, and the next one, and the next one, our present moments improve and perceptions and experiences of life get better and better.
     The colored shapes in the Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid, pictured above, are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass, listed below, as they relate to the Universal Law of the Present Moment.  

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow Through

South:  Action and Grounding

South West:  Relationships and Commitment

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I invite you to spend time focusing on this grid of colored light as you consider the above energies as they relate to your ability to be in the present moment. For our lives to flow smoothly with grace and ease, we need to be centered in each of these master energies. Being in the Now brings us to that place of centeredness; it is the center of the compass.

Reflections on the Universal Law of the Present Moment

     Yesterday was Halloween, a day of the year when the veils of illusion are thinner than usual. I went for a hike in the national park where I live and was struck by an increased awareness of the present moment. I felt so completely connected to everything around me. It was as if all else fell away and in a given moment, I was only experiencing the leaf I was studying or the tree I was admiring or the bug I was tracking. It was as if I was experiencing the wind on my face and the sound it made through the trees for the first time--as if none of this had ever happened before. I was grateful for the experience--so much so that I was unable to think of anything else. It was such a joyful experience to walk through the woods and focus on the rocks and leaves under my feet, sensing them so completely. I could actually feel the veins of the leaves through my shoes and know what it was like for the earth to feel the rocks pressing into it as I stepped on them. Such an amazing experience--so simple and so profound.

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