Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Universal Law of Color

Resonating with the Universal Law of Color.

      The Universal Law of Color states that all colors heal. They act as attractors of energy, profoundly affecting the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Each color has a particular vibration and attracts a particular type of energy to it.
     We are made of color. Our auras are comprised of color, tone, symbols, and light. We can change the aura by focusing concentrated rays of color to specific parts of the body. Colors can be blended and combined in ways that are harmonious so that we are made more whole by their addition to our aura. Other colors are diametrically opposed to each other and so create disharmony when added to the colors already present in the aura.   
     We can thus use color to shift our thoughts and feelings as well as to strengthen our connection to Spirit. One way to accomplish this is to be consciously appreciative of the rich rainbow pallette available all around us. Some people are very sensitive to color and some people hardly notice it. Wherever our awareness of color falls within this continuum, we can increase our resonance with the Universal Law of Color by noticing the responses colors invoke in us.  Which colors uplift us? Do we take the time to breathe these in? Which ones repel us? Do we make efforts to replace repelling colors with those that feed our spirit?
     The Light Language Compass Grid pictured above consists of colored sacred geometries specially chosen to adjust the aura's resonance so that we are more conscious of the Universal Law of Color at play in our lives. As we focus on the grid, the colors and shapes become implanted in our auras, creating positive change in our vibrational structure. Each colored shape is made of colored light and is 3-dimensional in nature. Each color and each shape carries a specific harmonic resonance and has been carelfully chosen to adjust the master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal guidance system that aligns us with our purpose and our path.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     During these days of vibrant fall color, take time to drink in the amazing hues of God's magnificent creation. Focus on your favorite shades and tones and give thanks for them. Each time we thank God for the beauty of colors, we brighten our auras and increase our light.

If you would like to learn
how to work consciously
with color and sacred geometry,
Zabe offers Light Language classes
(private and small group) by Skype.
Please contact her for details:


1 comment:

  1. Colors are everything, I use them in my Art work to experience feeling through the eyes of the observer
