Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Universal Law of Summons

Being Consciously Aligned with the Universal Law of Summons.

     The Universal Law of Summons states that we can converse soul to soul, without ego, to convey messages of love or to share information or to make a heart-felt plea. We can learn how to lift our soul and another's soul out of the body so that we may communicate at a profound level that is clear of personal agendas and misplaced motives. In order to truly engage in this form of communication, we have to be able to set our ego aside. Otherwise we run the risk of inventing messages based on what we want to hear rather than what is soul truth.
     The key is being able to get out of the way so deep soul communication can occur. It is something that can be learned over time with conscious recognition of our egoic tendencies. In soul-to-soul communication, the personal stories fall away. If we are caught up in being right, we have not yet reached the soul level. Soul communication is accessed through an approach of sacred humility, free of attachment to what messages might come through for us or for the other person. The knowing happens at a very deep level, sometimes in a flash, sometimes in a gentle unfolding. When soul talk occurs, it is possible that we will not come away with specific messages pertaining to the situation--this is the case when the messages only serve to keep us or the other person locked into the story. Rather we come away knowing that both parties have experienced a shift in energy. There is pervasive inner stillness as clear waves of light and sound energy surround both souls. From this place of peace, love, and truth, deep healing can occur.
     The Light Language Compass Grid pictured above carries energies designed to open us up to soul talk. The colored shapes that are depicted here are made of colored light and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color holds a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust our Pearlescent Compass, our universal navigational system that assists us in aligning with our divine direction and our soul path. Each colored shape corresponds to one of the master directional energies of the Compass, listed below:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I encourage you to spend time focusing on this grid of colored light as you ask to become a clear channel for soul talk. A great place to begin is to talk with your own soul, lower self to higher self. Stay out of the story of your life. Remember that listening is an important part of communication. Create the space for listening to the stillness of your soul--this is the first step to summoning soul communication.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Universal Law of Color

Resonating with the Universal Law of Color.

      The Universal Law of Color states that all colors heal. They act as attractors of energy, profoundly affecting the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Each color has a particular vibration and attracts a particular type of energy to it.
     We are made of color. Our auras are comprised of color, tone, symbols, and light. We can change the aura by focusing concentrated rays of color to specific parts of the body. Colors can be blended and combined in ways that are harmonious so that we are made more whole by their addition to our aura. Other colors are diametrically opposed to each other and so create disharmony when added to the colors already present in the aura.   
     We can thus use color to shift our thoughts and feelings as well as to strengthen our connection to Spirit. One way to accomplish this is to be consciously appreciative of the rich rainbow pallette available all around us. Some people are very sensitive to color and some people hardly notice it. Wherever our awareness of color falls within this continuum, we can increase our resonance with the Universal Law of Color by noticing the responses colors invoke in us.  Which colors uplift us? Do we take the time to breathe these in? Which ones repel us? Do we make efforts to replace repelling colors with those that feed our spirit?
     The Light Language Compass Grid pictured above consists of colored sacred geometries specially chosen to adjust the aura's resonance so that we are more conscious of the Universal Law of Color at play in our lives. As we focus on the grid, the colors and shapes become implanted in our auras, creating positive change in our vibrational structure. Each colored shape is made of colored light and is 3-dimensional in nature. Each color and each shape carries a specific harmonic resonance and has been carelfully chosen to adjust the master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal guidance system that aligns us with our purpose and our path.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     During these days of vibrant fall color, take time to drink in the amazing hues of God's magnificent creation. Focus on your favorite shades and tones and give thanks for them. Each time we thank God for the beauty of colors, we brighten our auras and increase our light.

If you would like to learn
how to work consciously
with color and sacred geometry,
Zabe offers Light Language classes
(private and small group) by Skype.
Please contact her for details:


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Universal Law of Love

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Love.

     The Universal Law of Love states that we move through stages of love as part of our spiritual evolution. At the level of the personality, love takes on the form of desire; this is a limiting form of love. When we realize its limiting nature, we eventually become complete with love at this level and so we move on to love at the mental (Buddhic) level where it becomes the wisdom of the heart. As our love continues to evolve in consciousness, we eventually become complete with this expression of love. We expand on to the spiritual (Monadic) level. Here love takes on the form of Oneness which leads us into Divine Union with Source. We have to be complete with one level before we can move onto the next; we may have glimpses and brief experiences of the higher forms of love but we are not able to be anchored in them until we are complete with the previous level.
     I invite you to spend time focusing on the Light Language Compass Grid, pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the sixteen master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal  universal navigational system that brings us more consciously into alignment with our Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of the Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pause from time to time throughout the following week to consider how these energies relate to your conscious awareness of the Universal Law of Love.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     As you feel love spring up inside of you in the following days, consider which type of love you are experiencing: desire, wisdom, or oneness. Do not fall into a pattern of judgment believing one form to be superior to another. Know that they all lead to the same place and serve as valuable steps along the path to complete union with the Creator of all Creation. Honor where you are each step of the way as you enjoy the flow of love in your life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Universal Law of Process

     The Universal Law of Process is all about following our purpose and our path here on earth. This Law suggests that we all come to Earth with certain goals we are to accomplish in our life. These goals are a part of the Divine Plan and it is our responsibility to complete them within a lifetime (or possibly within several lifetimes, depending on the goal in question).  In order to accomplish a goal, we should become clear about our direction and then prioritize the small steps we will take to get there. In this way we set the energies that will support us into an order and this order is important for us to follow. We falter when we skip steps in an attempt to take a short cut. The amount of intention we put into something determines what we get out of it. When we try to skip steps and take short cuts, we diminish the power of our intention which in turn diminishes our process as well as our ability to reach our goal. Rather than skipping these crucial steps, it is most import that we celebrate the process of taking them. Instead of being so focused on our destination, we do well to enjoy each step of the journey, each part of the process.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light language Compass grid, pictured above.The colored shapes in this grid a re made of light energy and are three-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust and align the sixteen master energies of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal navigational system that brings us into alignment with our Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of the Pearlescent Companies are listed below. Pause from time to time this following week to consider how these energies relate to your relationship with the Universal Law of Process:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Spirit/Earth and Love

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Action and Grounding

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     How well are you engaged in the process of your life? Do you remember to celebrate each step while you are taking it and to celebrate it again after you have completed it? By celebrating the small steps, you can trust that you are where you need to be in each moment. Fear and doubt fall away and you now honor the process as it unfolds before you, one step at a time. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Universal Law of the Present Moment

Being Aligned with the Present Moment.

     The Universal Law of the Present Moment states that Time does not really exist. What we perceive as the passage of time is merely a mental construct. As a society of humans on earth, we have come to an agreement through language to refer to events as past or future or present as a way for us to order ideas and concepts. Our minds have latched onto this idea of past and future and made it a habit to focus on them, bringing the emotions into play as well so that we feel as if we are bound to our past and pulled toward our future. We get caught up in feeling regrets for our past as we allow visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and emotional memories to play again and again in our minds. We transport these sensations and memories into our imaginings of what the future will be like, and so we become fearful and anxious about things that have not even happened.
     We fail to realize that time is merely an abstract concept. The concrete truth is that all we ever really have is the present moment. The past is gone and the future is not here. All we have is the NOW. This is the most important thing that we can remember. We do well to align our focus with the here and now. As we practice this discipline, past regrets fall away and future fears dissipate. With this practice, our experience of life improves. No longer sad about what is not here anymore or worried about what has not yet happened, we are free to experience the NOW. And as we enjoy this present moment, and the next one, and the next one, our present moments improve and perceptions and experiences of life get better and better.
     The colored shapes in the Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid, pictured above, are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass, listed below, as they relate to the Universal Law of the Present Moment.  

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow Through

South:  Action and Grounding

South West:  Relationships and Commitment

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

     I invite you to spend time focusing on this grid of colored light as you consider the above energies as they relate to your ability to be in the present moment. For our lives to flow smoothly with grace and ease, we need to be centered in each of these master energies. Being in the Now brings us to that place of centeredness; it is the center of the compass.

Reflections on the Universal Law of the Present Moment

     Yesterday was Halloween, a day of the year when the veils of illusion are thinner than usual. I went for a hike in the national park where I live and was struck by an increased awareness of the present moment. I felt so completely connected to everything around me. It was as if all else fell away and in a given moment, I was only experiencing the leaf I was studying or the tree I was admiring or the bug I was tracking. It was as if I was experiencing the wind on my face and the sound it made through the trees for the first time--as if none of this had ever happened before. I was grateful for the experience--so much so that I was unable to think of anything else. It was such a joyful experience to walk through the woods and focus on the rocks and leaves under my feet, sensing them so completely. I could actually feel the veins of the leaves through my shoes and know what it was like for the earth to feel the rocks pressing into it as I stepped on them. Such an amazing experience--so simple and so profound.