Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Universal Law of Honesty

Being Aligned with the Universal Law of Honesty.

     The Universal Law of Honesty involves deep inner authenticity and its outward expression in all we say and do. We have to be honest with ourselves before we can be honest with others. Sometimes we think we are talking and walking our truth when actually we are living out a story we mistakenly bought into. Thus we take on the persona of being more than or less than we truly are; we end up wearing a mask created by insecurity. Deep down we are afraid to fully shine our light and so we choose to hide it by withdrawing or by puffing ourselves up in some way that is false. We are out of integrity and we don't even realize it.
     To be truly aligned with Honesty, we act in accordance with the Higher Will. While we may be aware of nagging impulses from the lower self, we do not act on them. We know that when we break the higher laws, we harm ourselves by setting into motion a stream of consequences lovingly designed to bring us back on track. This is not a punishment meted out by the universe; rather it is an opportunity for us to realign with truth. As this Law states, "When we let fear stop us from expressing our true feelings and needs, we are being dishonest with ourselves and it costs us a sense of energy and spirit."   
     The Light Language Compass grid pictured above includes colored sacred geometries that have been specially selected to shift major energies related to the Universal Law of Honesty. As you look at the array of geometries, each shape is aligned with a point of our Pearlescent Compass, an internal universal navigational system that helps us stay on our Divine path. The top center point relates to the North energy, the far right point relates to the East energy, and so on. The directional points align with the following energies that are crucial for us to flow with grace and ease through life:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit / Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision / Desire

     I invite you to spend time interacting with this sacred geometry grid of light energy as you consider Honesty as it relates to these sixteen master energies listed above. Breathe in each colored shape. Touch them. Listen to them. Meditate on them. Notice shifts in vibration that occur as you focus on each one and then on the whole compilation. Each colored shape carries a unique vibrational frequency; each holds deep truths for all who are open to receive. They work with the soul to bring forth deep inner truths. It is not necessary to understand what they do in order to receive their benefit. Ask to know:

  • Where am I aligned with fear?
  • Where am I aligned in truth?
  Then allow the insights to come to you as you make newly empowered choices based in love and light and truth.


  1. I meditated in this , aligned with the sacred geometry energy , color and my own life force energy ..
    It was powerful , beautiful and amazing at the answers I received...
    The two very powerful questions are perfect for this !
    Thank you so much for this gift of Love... 🙏
