Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Universal Law of the Lotus

Blossoming with the Universal Law of the Lotus.

     The Universal Law of the Lotus is short and sweet and yet its meaning is profound. It represents the flowering of Self; this Law gives guidance as to how we can nurture the flowering of our inner light. Within the seed of a flower is the potential to grow into a beautiful, awe-inspiring expression of God's creation. It contains in its dna all it needs to unfold into a light-filled and light-emanating being that reflects the Divine Order of the universe. Each of us is born with this potential to open fully into our glory. Some of us bloom quickly while others of us wait until the end of the season. And some remain dormant, waiting lifetimes to come into their own.
     There is a three-fold braid of energies that support this flowering. The energies in this braid include knowledge, love, and sacrifice. Knowledge occurs when we integrate experience, embracing our lessons until the charge they carry is transmuted into wisdom that we can then share freely with others. This type of knowing occurs at a soul level and carries a great deal of light which supports the opening of our lotus petals.
     The second strand of the braid involves the opening of the heart into a state of full loving that is free of conditions and expectations. Our many relationships with the people in our lives provide opportunities for us to choose love rather than fear; each time we make the choice for love, our lotus opens up a little bit more as more of our inner light is revealed to the outside world.
     The third strand of the braid is the one that is perhaps the most misunderstood. It requires sacrifice. What does this mean? Many holy people have lead austere lives, giving up the things that they loved the most as a way of making sacrifices to God. While this is a valid path for reconnecting with the light and love of Source, it is not the only way for our lotus to blossom.
     Sacrifice does not require martyrdom. It is possible to give up energies that no longer serve without giving up that which brings us joy. We can sacrifice worry and replace it with trust. We can sacrifice fear and replace it with joy. We can sacrifice erronious beliefs and replace them with truth. Each time that we let go of an energy that no longer serves, we make a sacrifice; in so doing, we consciously surrender our personal will to a higher power or higher energy as we allow that new energy to carry us through life at a higher vibration and with greater ease and grace.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass grid pictured above. Te colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are three-dimensional in nature. each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been carefully chosen to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, an internal GPS system that brings us into alignment with our Divine Direction and our Soul Path. The master directional energies of the Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pay attention in the coming week to the ways in which these energies relate to the Universal Law of the Lotus and to the flowering of your own inner light.

North: Connection and creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision/Desire

Which of these energies need to shift in order for your light to bloom?

Reflections on the Universal Law of the Lotus

     For me the lesson with this law is about my misperceptions regarding sacrifice. I have chosen to sacrifice many things in my life--many times because I felt that it was the right thing to do. In some cases these sacrifices caused my lotus to open more; in some cases, they caused its petals to pull back in. Giving up alcohol after years of abusing it was a sacrifice that helped me bloom. Giving up theater and other activities that brought me joy when my daughter was born because I thought it was "right" to be home every evening with her was, in retrospect, a sacrifice that delayed my blossoming. What I know now that I didn't know then was the importance of Joy. When we sacrifice the things that bring us joy, we contract our lotus. When we sacrifice the things that interfere with our joy--like the need to be right, the need to be in control, or the need to blame--we open our lotus.
     This does not mean that we become irresponsible, doing whatever we please at any given moment. It is possible to be responsible and remain in joy. The key is to align with joy as we take care of our responsibilities. We can be joyful about making choices that support us or those we love instead of focusing on what we are "giving up" in order to meet these responsibilities. Instead of feeling remorse about what we have given up, we can feel joyful about what we have chosen in its place. in this way sacrifice becomes an energy that enhances our light instead of one that detracts from it. When we approach sacrifice from a place of "should" or "right," we contract out petals; when we approach sacrifice for a place of empowered choosing, we spread our petals and shine our light.

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