Joining Harmoniously with the Universal Law of Group Progress.
The Universal Law of Group Progress is also called the Universal Law of Elevation. It focuses on the power of group effort. It states that when we come together as a group and blend our specific knowledge, skills, and talents with the knowledge, skills, and talents of others, we are all uplifted. Through this sharing we progress together at a sure and steady pace even when the task at hand seems insurmountable.
We are at a time in our human evolution when the ancient secret wisdom of cultures across the planet is resurfacing back into the light of consciousness. As the information and teachings from various traditions are brought back together into a synthesis of whole truth, perceived separation falls away and we enter into increased states of being One with All. As we share our energies and our intentions for the greater good with one another, no matter how our styles of presentation may differ, elevation and evolution occurs. Rather than battling to be right or competing to rise to the top, we take turns lifting each other up so that we all reach the pinacle together.
I encourage you all to spend time this week considering the ways in which you support the various groups with which you participate. How do they elevate you? What energies do you contribute to elevate their members? In what ways are you in service to these groups? As you cosider these questions, I invite you to focus on the Light Language Compass grid, pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light eergy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been specially chosen to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, your internal GPS system that brings you into alignment with your Divine Direction and your Soul Path. The master directional energies of your Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Consider throughout the coming week how these energies relate to the way in which you interact with groups:
North: Connection and Creating
North East: Commitment and Discipline
East: Love and Spirit/Earth
South East: Details and Follow-Through
South: Grounding and Action
South West: Relationships and Communication
West: Healing and Lesson/Knowledge
North West: Intention and Decision/Desire
We all have gifts to share that serve to elevate the groups to which we belong. Sometimes all it takes is a smile or a laugh or a few kind words. And sometimes we elevate a group by our very being--by emanating our light and love that we are to all we contact. As you focus on the above grid of colored light, you may choose to allow it to settle into your aura where it will shine for all you meet, serving to elevate them in their group interactions as well. What a wonderful way to assist in the evolutionary progression of humans here on earth!
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