Monday, December 6, 2010

The Universal Law of Intuition

Being Consciously Aligned with the Universal Law of Intuition.

     The Universal Law of Intuition states that we cannot access our own intuition until we stop looking for approval or confirmation from others. Our sense of self-worth and identity has to be strong in order for us to connect with the sacred inner wisdom each of us carries. As long as we continue to doubt our knowing and second guess our inner guidance, we remain in a state of confusion about what is true. When we give our authority away to the opinions of others, we exacerbate the problem.
     The universe always says "yes." Each time we doubt our inner wisdom, we co-create the reality of being mistaken about what we think is true and so our inner guidance is hit or miss. The first step is to figure out who we truly are. Do we have any idea how powerful we truly are. Do we know that we are pure conduits for God energy? Do we know that we are miracles capable of creating miracles? When we know these truths, our intuition will flow freely and clearly.
     The Light Language Grid pictured above carries energies designed to open us up to greater intuition. The colored shapes depicted here are made of colored light and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color holds a particular vibrational frequency that has been chosen to adjust our Pearlescent Compass, our universal navigational system that assists us in aligning with our divine direction and soul purpose. Each colored shape corresponds to one of the directional energies of the Compass, listed below.

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit/Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lesson / Knowledge

North West:  Intention and Decision / Desire

     As we become more and more conscious of these directional energies in our life, we open ourselves to being divine channels of inner wisdom. We become clear about who we are and what we are here to do; we stop doubting our inner knowing and our intuition reaches new heights. I invite you to spend time this week considering these sixteen energies in your life. Notice how they relate to your intuition--do they foster its expansion or do they create further doubt? Tune in to each colored shape and ask for it to adjust your aura in relation to the directional energy of each point as it relates to your intuition. Then use your inner knowing to monitor energetic shifts and insights that come to you.

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