Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Universal Law of One

Consciously Being One with the Universal Law of One.

     The Universal Law of One states that All is One and All is of God. All parts of the self are of God. The lower self is of God and the Higher Self is of God. All in the Universe is One with God. All activities of the earth are of God. Everything in creation is set into motion by the Breath of God. The presence of God that permeates everything unites all aspects of creation in Oneness. Our inherent nature pulls our awareness toward a knowing of the Oneness. Even those energies and patterns that we judge to be negative are of God in that they serve to provide contrast that ultimately inspires us to bring our consciousness back to God, uniting us once again with the Universal Consciousness of All of Creation.
     Instead of thinking in terms of polar opposites, think of negative energies as the flip-side of a coin. These negative energies eventually prompt us to seek another way. And so we turn the coin over and begin to express the corresponding positive energy that relates to that old negative energy from which we have turned away. We ultimately come to embrace (but not condone) the negative energies with gratitude for the lesson that they have taught us as we choose now to live in the positive, light-filled aspects. Through this process we come to accept all that we encounter. We appreciate what teaches us how not to be and we appreciate what teaches us how to BE. Through this appreciation, we come to know that everything is connected and so we move into a greater state of Oneness with all that we encounter.
     Consider this week those energies that you judge as "bad" or "wrong" and consider how these judgments create greater separation from the people around you. Ask to know how this energy fits into the bigger picture. What lesson is it here to teach? What hidden gift does it carry? In what way does it bring us back to Oneness with God?  
     Spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass Grid pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the energy of your Pearlescent Compass, an internal GPS system that brings you into alignment with your Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of your Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Consider throughout the coming week how these energies relate to the Law of One:

North: Creating and Connection

North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communications and Relationships

West: Lessons and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

Reflections on the Law of One

     In 1997, I had an experience that changed my life. I was in a desperate state, unsure how I was going to raise my young daughter on my own after her father abandoned us. I repeated over and over again the only two prayers I knew: the Our Father and the Hail Mary (I taught Catholic school before my daughter was born and so I knew this prayer well even though I was not Catholic).
     As I repeated the prayer over and over again, I began seeing colored shapes similar to the ones in the grids I now work with. They appeared in patterns of seven and each shape emanated a musical tone which created a melody that played over and over again. Eventually the pattern of seven would switch to a different set of seven colored shapes with a new melody. I became mesmerized by what I was experiencing and I suddenly had the experience of traveling out into the far reaches of the Universe and beyond. As I expanded outward beyond planets and star systems and galaxies, I had the experience of simultaneously traveling inward into the innermost reaches of subatomic space. It was as if I knew everything there was to know. The mysteries of creation raced through my awareness faster than I could find words to express them. This entire experience lasted 3 1/2 days. Starr says I had a Vision Quest without a shaman to guide me. When it ended and I came out of the altered state I was in, I could only grasp two phrases of all of the information that had flooded my mind these last few days: 



     I instantly recognized that these two phrases were saying the same thing--that a paradox unites two seemingly opposite ideas into a unified concept so that opposites come together in Oneness. The Universe was showing me that everything is made of opposites and that these opposites ultimately join together in one unified truth. While the intense energies and the volumes of information that flooded through my mind during that experience have long since faded, those words remain etched in my awareness. ALL IS ONE. Everything I do is motivated by an intense desire to experience that Oneness--to merge with the light and love of Source as I did during that kundalini-type experience.
     I have had many experiences since then in which I know that Oneness. Some last for hours, some for days, and some for weeks and months. Each time I slip out of it, I long to reconnect. Thus separation becomes connection and so the paradox lives and All is One again.


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