Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Universal Law of Fixation

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Fixation.

     The Universal Law of Fixation has to do with the link between our higher and lower natures and involves the time of our rebirth as it is governed by one of the seven laws of the solar system. This Universal Law determines our time of birth and the astrological influences that result from this timing. The implication here is that the time of our birth is in some way significant to our soul evolution. This Law thus supports the principles of astrology and suggests that the positioning of the stars and planets at the time of our birth is in some way influential to our spiritual development. According to this Law, the time of our rebirth affects the mental aspect of our existence and relates to the karma we are working through.
     This Law also states that as we focus on thoughts of a higher order, so we create that reality. Conversely, focusing on lower-order thoughts creates a reality of a lower vibration. Our thoughts create our future and affect our karma which in turn affects our next rebirth. And so the cycle continues. It is the cycle that is fixed; how we move within that cycle is our choice and is determined by our thoughts. Although we are bound by the time of our birth this lifetime, we are free to make choices of thoughts that spiral us upward or downward, ultimately determining the time of our rebirth for our next lifetime. The fixation occurs in the relationship between our thoughts and the future that unfolds as a result of these thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality--this truth is fixed throughout the solar system.
     I invite you to spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass Grid pictured above. The colored shapes depicted in this grid are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the energetic alignment of your Pearlescent Compass, an internal GPS system that brings you into harmonious resonance with your Divine Direction and Soul Path. The master energies of your Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Pay attention to the thoughts and the impact they have in relation to the Universal Law of Fixation. Consider this Law as it relates to the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass:

North: Connection and Creating

North East: Commitment and Discipline

East: Love and Spirit/Earth

South East: Details and Follow Through

South: Grounding and Action

South West: Relationships and Communication

West: Healing and Lesson/Knowledge

North West: Intention and Decision/Desire

     Pause to reflect: are you spiraling upward, working through your karma and through the lessons brought through the negative astrological aspects related to your time of birth, or are you spiraling downward, allowing these influences to rule your life? Every thought is a choice capable of moving you to higher realms of being and doing. Choose wisely from a place of empowerment.

Reflections on the Law of Fixation
     I have always been frustrated by people who use aspects of their astrological chart as an excuse to remain stuck within a pattern or situation. Astrology is a wonderful tool to gain self-awareness and to recognize the patterns that are running in our lives. But the forces put upon us by the stars and planets can be matched and even surpassed by our thoughts put into action. We are not victims of our birth. We are active participants who created the reality of the time when we were born and our resulting alignment with the stars and planets in that moment. Throughout our life our choices continue to empower or dis-empower us in relation to this planetary alignment and so we have the potential to transcend astrological influences once we are conscious of the patterns they create and once we make higher-order choices to move us beyond these patterns.
     During my four-and-a-half-year apprenticeship with Master Spiritual Teacher Starr Fuentes, people often emailed astrological information in relation to scheduling various events. Starr always maintained that we should not create our schedules from a place of fear, worrying that mercury retrograde or some other such influence would wreak havoc on our plans; rather she said it was good to be informed of the energies at play and that armed with that information, we are powerful enough to override these influences by maintaining positive thoughts and expectations. The lesson here is that when you know what you are dealing with, you are then able to focus your energy so that you can triumph.

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