Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Universal Law of Expectation

The Universal Law of Expectation.

      The Universal Law of Expectation states that energy follows thought. Our expectations and beliefs determine our experiences. We cannot create more in our life than we can expect to create. We limit success by limiting our expectations of what we can, in fact, accomplish. The good news is that we can change our experiences by changing our expectations. As we expect increasingly positive outcomes, we thus become empowered co-creators of our reality.
     Lately I have been impressed by people who think big. They have goals that are beyond anything that I have dreamed for myself. I am impressed by their vision of what they believe they can create. I realize that over and over again, I hear successful people say, "I always knew I would ______." With this consideration, I am aware that I would do well to consider the possibility of creating bigger successes in my life as they imagined creating in theirs. In this way space is created for wonderful new energies to come in.
     Let's all spend time exploring where we are remaining small and limited in our expectations. Are we expecting too little of ourselves? Are we expecting too little from others? In the process, how are we limiting the miracles that are our divine birthright?
     The colored shapes in the Light Language Compass Grid, pictured above, carry specific healing energies specially chosen to bring us more into alignment with the Universal Law of Expectation. I invite you to spend time this week focusing on this array of sacred geometries to activate unlimited, positive potential. Allow them to bathe your mind with light energy, washing away preconceived notions of limitation, thus opening new ways of co-creating the reality you choose.