Monday, September 20, 2010

The Universal Law of Balance

Being Centered in the Universal Law of Balance.

     The Universal Law of Balance, also referred to as the Law of Equipoise or the Law of Fair Exchange, reminds us that we are all equal and that love is the great equalizer. The amount of love with which we allow our thoughts to be created and expressed is the key that balances our thoughts. It is also the key to listening as others share their thoughts with us. Anchored in love, we are able to listen to all viewpoints without feeling we must defend our own. When we maintain that state of love during the giving and receiving of thoughts, we are able to be strong within our knowing of who we are and what our purpose is here on earth. Remaining centered in love, we enjoy an appropriately strong sense of self-esteem. We see ourselves as we truly are, not more than or less than anyone else. We honor our own personal journey as it continues to unfold and we honor others where they are in their journey. We see others as they are and we celebrate their presence and their contribution to our lives.
     Addiction is one way this Law can become misaligned. Through addiction we seek an outside energy to distract us from our path and from our truth. We can easily become addicted to our thoughts. We mistake them for who we are so that we easily become distracted lose touch with the love that is our true nature. The Universal Law of Balance states that "Every thought must be balanced by whoever creates it." Without the balancing energy of love, thoughts can easily pull us off center in such a way that our thoughts become separated from the love that we are. Much like a drug addict can only focus on that next hit, we become fixated on our thought processes so that they govern our energies and cause us to be out of balance. We gradually let go of our addiction to thought patterns each time we center ourselves in love. When the power of our love matches the power of our thoughts, we come into balance. From this place of centeredness, we are clear about our place in the world. From this stable space of knowing, we are then able to manifest successfully at our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual goals here on earth.
     The colored shapes in the Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid pictured above are made of light and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass internal GPS system. Each colored shape corresponds to one of the pairings of energies listed below as this pairing relates to the Universal Law of Balance.

North: Creating and Connection
North East: Discipline and Commitment
East: Spirit/Earth and Love
South East: Follow-Through and Details
South: Action and Grounding
South West: Communication and Relationships
West: Lessons and Healing
North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to spend time this week sensing the energies of this grid while focusing on these directional energies as they relate to the Universal Law of Balance. Are your thoughts balanced with love? What happens when you drop into your heart? Does the energy shift? Pause throughout the week and check the balance between love and thought. Notice how the more you allow love into the mix, the more you are able to manifest the reality you choose.

Zabe now offers Light Language classes by Skype. Contact her for details: 501-760-1393 or