Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Universal Law of Action

Putting the Universal Law of Action into Action.

     The Universal Law of Action states that, "No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life." This Law celebrates the importance of action steps as a way of bringing consciousness into physical form. It is not enough to believe or know something in our mind; action is required to bring it into existence. Our talents and gifts are useless until they are put into material expression through the physical steps we take. 

     We can spend all day dreaming about the spiritual center we hope to have someday. We can use positive affirmations and creative visualizations to support our goal. But what specific actions have we taken for it to materialize? Have we saved up enough money to buy it or applied for a loan? Have we researched other spiritual centers in the vicinity? Have we written up a formal business plan and solicited backers? Have we become actively involved in the spiritual community where we plan to have our center? Are we made a list of all of the maintenance and behind-the-scenes work required to keep a center going and are we prepared to carry out that list?

     The Mayan Curanderos describe the layers of reality as an upside-down pyramid with the broadest part representing the spiritual realms and the point representing the physical/material plane. Our prayers gather in the upper portion of that upside-down pyramid. The energies build but only at that spiritual level. In order to bring those spiritual energies down to earth, we have to take appropriate action steps. There are different types of action: phyyscal, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Spiritual actions (prayer, meditation) build energy in the broad spiritual portion of the energy body. Conscious thoughts and beliefs about our goal brings the energy down to the next layer of the upside-down pyramid. Positive emotions and feelings about our goal brings the energy down to the next level of our pyramid. And physical action brings it fully down to the tip of that pyramid where it can now manifest on earth.

     It is not enough to maintain positive thoughts and have good intentions. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, we want to make our spiritual presence felt by our fellow spiritual beings who are also having a physical experience. Don't just dream images; paint them so that others may see. Take the actions necessary to translate your visions into physical form for others to enjoy.

     Without appropriate physical action steps, our goals remain as energy potential hovering in the upper recesses of our inverted pyramid. It is the blend of action and focused intention that brings these goals into physical form. One way that we can be out of harmony with the Law of Action is that we can be overly active without directed intention. In that case we run aimlessly in circles, busy all the time but never accomplishing anything. We will explore this phenomenon at a later date when we examine the Universal Law of Intention.

     Spend time this week journaling about the Universal Law of Action. Journaling is a physical action that will activate your follow-through, bringing your ideas, dreams, and goals into expressed form. The colors and shapes of the above Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid have been carefully select for the particular vibrations and energies that they carry as they relate to the master energies of your internal GPS system, listed below:

North: Creating and Connection

North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lessons and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to focus on these directional point energies in conjunction with the Law of Action and this grid of colored light. The grid will bring you more into harmony with taking appropriate action. Not only will you be clear about the next appropriate step to take; you will find enjoyment of doing it, knowing that you are supporting yourself at a soul level.

Reflections on the Law of Action
    In contemplating this Law, I am once again struck by the difference between "doing" and "being." When we act from a place of "doing," our work may or not be accomplished. Sometimes there is a sense of urgency that accompanies our action and this urgency brings a negative energy into what we are doing. And sometimes there is resistance to the action.  Either we allow resistance to block us by giving in to procrastination or we push through the resistance with an energy of force that then creates more negative energy.
     When we act from a place of "being" rather than "doing," everything flows with grace and ease. We are in the zone. We move from one step to the next with clarity of purpose, clear about what needs to be handled in any given moment. We do not get overwhelmed because we come to trust that we will remember or know what to do when the time is ripe for it.
     My teacher Starr Fuentes often says that the difference between an apprentice and a master is that and apprentice is always doing--so much so that he ends up with "do-do" all over his face. A master, on the other hand, is focused on being and in that being, action unfolds naturally.
     I spent the last 4 1/2 years as apprentice to Starr, a woman who tends to lose touch with the earthly concept of time and who usually wants everything five minutes ago. In always striving to please her, I was guilty of having a lot of "do-do" on my face a lot of the time, especially in the beginning.
     I have paused throughout this week, grateful for the lessons that I learned from her. Through her being-ness she taught me to surrender to the flow and to trust that I will receive reminders from my guides, angels, or from the environment about the things that need to be handled in any given moment. I learned that the most important thing is to step up with ready willingness to serve and then to follow through. I also learned that no matter how tired I think I am, if I step up and show up, the energy needed to complete a given task is there for me.
     What a remarkable way to live! I realize that I don't have to try to control everything; I don't have to "do" it all myself. I can be in the flow and then the appropriate actions become a graceful dance with Spirit. I now trust God to provide the energies and opportunities and I trust myself to take action appropriately. What a shift from years ago when I alternated between being too depressed to act on anything and being so manic that I performed a myriad of random actions that were to no avail. Coming into greater alignment with the Universal law of Action has made a huge difference in my life; may it do/be the same for you.


The Universal Law of Economy

 Transcending the Universal Law of Economy.

     The Universal Law of Economy is a Law we are all subject to until the point when we learn how to master it. Just as some mystics learn levitation, thus overriding the physical plane law of gravity, so we may strive for liberation from the Law of Economy that initially governs all physical matter.

     The Law of Economy focuses on the activity of matter, considered to be opposite in nature to the energy of Spirit. The natural governing principle of the matter of the cosmos is for individual particles to separate from each other. Particles of matter thus dissociate from one another, each maintaining its own type and quality of vibration, rhythm, and rotation. An oak tree rmains an oak tree and does not morph into a cactus. In the physical realm of matter, the process of separaton is the path of least resistance. Matter always follows this path until a higher spiritual energy is applied.

     One step to achieving enlightenment is the mastering of this Law. When we can bring through spiritual energies strong enough to move us beyond physical separation, we become One with the matter around us. Boundaries of separation drop away, as in the case of the Buddha as he became One with the tree under which he sat.

     Take time to consider: in which ways are you ready to allow Spirit to bring you into a heightened state of Oneness with the people, places, animals, plants, and events in your life? While we may remain physically separate due to the effects of this Law, energetically and spiritually we are all connected. As you fcus on this spiritual connection, do you notice the walls of separation dropping away? Perhaps you have had the experience of placing your hand on your thigh during meditation and losing track of where your hand ends and where your leg begins. Perhaps you have had this experience while out in nature or while doing hands-on energy healing with clients.

     Focus on the Light Language Compass Grid pictured above and ask for these experiences to be brought into the forefront of your awareness. Notice these moments as they occur throughout the week.

      The colored shapes in this Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid are made of light and are three-dimensional in form. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass, listed below, as they relate to the chosen Universal Law.

North: Creating and Connection

 North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lesson/Knowledge and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to focus on these directional energies in conjunction with the Law of Economy and this grid of colored light. The grid will support your transcendence of this Law as you consider: What needs to shift in relation to each of these energies in order for you to transcend this Law? This particular array of colored shapes align us with the energies of Spirit that carry us beynd separation, back into a state of Oneness.

Reflections on the Law of Economy

     In high school I read about transcendence and the story of the Buddha becoming One with the tree. Intellectually I thought I understood his experience even though I had never had this experience myself. You know how it is when you're in high school--you think you know everything because you saw it on tv or read it in a book.
     Years passed. At this point I was a massage therapist who specialized in hands-on energy work. As I worked with my hands on a client, I often had the experience of not being able to feel where my hands ended and their body began. It was as if we were connected as one body. In these moments I could feel everything that was happening inside of them--not only at the location of where my hands rested, but throughout their body. 

     Then I attended a Deeksha event in Covington, Louisiana. Deeksha, also referred to as the Oneness Blessing, is an energy transmission that shifts brain functioning and brings ne into a greater state of Oneness. After receiving the transmission for the first time, I was instructed to go outside and connect with nature. I walked out onto the deck and focused my attention on a large oak tree about 20 feet away. I was struck by its beauty and as I thanked it for its presence, I suddenly knew what the tree was feeling. I knew how it felt in its trunk and how it felt in its branches and how it felt in its leaves. My feet knew the sensation of its roots absorbing water from the wet ground. My skin tickled as two squirrels chased each other up into its branches. As I experienced these sensations, my heart was wide open and verflowing with love for everyone and everything. Was this similar to the Buddha's experience? 

     This feeling of connectedness lasted for six weeks or so before it began to fade. I went to India and became a Deeksha/Oneness Blessing facilitator so that I could go deeper into the experience and share it with others. I drift in and out of Oneness, grateful for the moments that I am in that state of connection and also grateful for the events in my life that move me to seek greater connection. I am aware that in perceived times of separation, I am ever more eager to connect back into Oneness. Awareness of separation becomes the catalyst for discovering what needs to shift in order to move back into blissful connection. I recognize the times of feeling ruled by the Law of Economy as opportunities to strengthen my commitment to Divine Connection; in so choosing, the energy of Oneness unfolds in deeper, more profound ways.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

On Channeling

     As mentioned in an earlier post, I struggle to consciously understand many of the written definitions of the 105 Universal Laws as they are available on the internet. And so I was guided to take on the project of channeling new descriptions of these Laws in language that is more easily accessible to the reader because I know that if I struggle with understanding their meaning, others do as well.
     I only recently discovered that channeling is something that I am good at. Although I have been channeling written and spoken material since college and graduate school, the recognition that this is what I have done for so many years has come only within the last year or so. As an English major, I was assigned numerous papers to write. Prone to procrastination, I often waited until the night before they were due to begin writing (although I did preliminary research and brainstorming beforehand). I usually did not have a clue as to what my thesis was when I sat down to write.
     Hours before a paper was due, I would settle down and begin writing. The words flowed quickly and easily. When I had enough pages to fulfill the assignment, I would read what I had written and then tack on an introduction stating my newly discovered thesis and a conclusion summing it all up. I would turn in the paper and get it back a week or so later, almost always with an "A" on it. I'd re-read my words and be completely surprised because I had little or no recollection of consciously knowing the particular content. I thought I was losing my mind but this method worked so well that I didn't think it was wise to complain about it. I joked with my friends that I had a Muse who wrote my papers for me. It did seem as if a voice told me what to write even the voice had no distinguishable sound. It was more like the words were planted in my brain and came through my pen.
     My freshman year I channeled a philosophy paper arguing against Hobbes' Leviathan. I learned later that my professor took it to the Dean of Students and accused me of plagiarism because he felt that no freshman was capable of writing something so insightful. The Dean apparently conferred with my other professors who confirmed that all of my papers and test essays were like that--so I was safe. And yet to this day, I have little recollection of what Leviathan was about and no memory of what I wrote.
     Since college I have also had the regular experience of people quoting back wise words that I had shared with them--words that in some way changed their life for the better--and me having no recollection of ever saying (or knowing) these things. I was embarrassed to have such a poor memory and again wondered if I was in fact going crazy.
     As my life progressed, I shifted more and more from an intellectual perspective to a more spiritual focus. I was surrounded by people I considered to be "real psychics." Many of them made such a big production about channeling information from guides, ascended masters, and angels that I was really impressed with their seemingly superior abilities. The fact that they could tell you who was giving them the information--Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Master Kuthumi, Metatron, etc.--lended credibility to the fact that they were in fact bringing through information from a higher source than their limited human consciousness. And I believed that they were very special--chosen specially by God to bring these messages through. How Holy they must be to have this gift. In comparing myself to them I saw myself as "less than"--too imperfect to ever receive information from these highly evolved beings.
     After hurricane Katrina, I moved from New Orleans to Hot Springs, Arkansas where I became apprentice to Starr Fuentes, my spiritual healing teacher. She often gave me writing assignments in which she provided me with a bare-bones outline and instructed me to channel the rest. "But I can't channel," I always objected. To this she would lick her finger and rub it on my third eye saying, "Here's the download. Channel me." So I would sit down to write and would hear her voice in my head telling me what to say.
     After a few years of this, the process changed. I stopped hearing the sound of her voice. Without hearing the words, I knew what to write next. By now I had confidence that I was channeling but I could not tell you where the channeling came from.
     The same was true when I worked with clients and students--information often poured out of my mouth that I did not previously know. And yet, because I could not tell you where this information was coming from--who was giving it to me--I did not consider what I was doing to be as significant as formal channelings by others who could name the spiritual Being bringing through the information.
     Then I met a woman named Marilyn who helped me immensely. She did a reading for me in which she told me that I channel a large council of beings. She said that some of the positions on the council are long-term positions and some of them are temporary. Thus the makeup of this council changes periodically as new energies are required. She said that I had been doing this for much of my life--that I just didn't know it. She explained that many people channel councils and do not realize that this is what they are doing because the information does not come through in a distinguishable voice or personality and because, when you've been doing it most of your life, you think it's just the regular voice in your head and do not realize that it is something more than your mind speaking.
     My guess is that there are many people doing similar work on the planet at this time and like me, they do not realize that they're doing it. They remain humble, sharing wisdom without calling attention to themselves. They do not disempower others by implying that they are wiser or more enlightened or more spiritual because this information comes through them; rather they speak from their hearts and share their truth in a way that supports those around them.
     I am of the belief that if I can do it, anyone can. Is it necessary to know the story behind it? I know most of the details now and yet am not guided to share them publicly--for me the identity of the Beings on this Council are sacred. Knowing who they are brings me confidence to share their messages in a public forum like this one and yet it does not feel appropriate to name names.
     Is this something you desire to do? If you have the desire, you also have the ability. Ask to be a mouthpiece for Spirit and be open to allow messages to flow through you. What wisdom do you have to share that is needed at this time? Check your ego at the door and open yourself up to the process of discovery. You may just be surprised at what comes through!!!

Blessed Channeling,


The Universal Law of Disintegration

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Disintegration.

      The Universal Law of Disintegration is part of the natural process and flow of the Universe. It allows us to continue our evolution by casting off the sheaths of illusion that create the perception of separation from each other and from God. Disintegration occurs at many levels and moves us closer to Oneness with All that Is. As disintegration of the sheaths of illusion occurs, we discover that our thoughts are not our thoughts and our bodies are not our bodies. Just as individual leaves of a tree fall away and blend back into the earth where they are reabsorbed as nutrients for the tree from which they fell, so we naturally move toward a stripping away of that which no longer serves so that we may become more fully absorbed back into the Love and Light of our Divine Creator.

     Pause to consider the illusions that have been stripped away this lifetime. Celebrate their disintegration as you ask to become aware of existing patterns, beliefs, and behaviors now ripe for the stripping away process. Spend time this week focusing on the Light Language Compass Grid, pictured above. The colored shapes in this grid are made of light energy and are 3-dimensional in nature. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency that has been carefully chose to adjust the energies of your Pearlescent Compass, and internal GPS system that brings you into alignment with your Divine Direction and your Soul Path.

     The master directional energies of your Pearlescent Compass are listed below. Consider throughout the week how these energies relate to the Universal Law of Disintegration.

North: Creating and Connection

North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-Through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lessons and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

Click here to learn more about Light Language 

Reflections on the Universal Law of Disintegration

     I am very aware of the presence of this Law in my life this week. It has been a week of surrender as I experienced the disintegration of my plans of how and when I thought certain events should unfold. What's a great way to make God laugh? Tell Him/Her your plans . . .

     Several times this week my schedule disintegrated and was replaced by a new and improved schedule, clearly orchestrated by God in alignment with Divine Timing. As the people around me altered their schedules in ways that affected me over and over again, I had no choice but to surrender. As I erased and rewrote my calendar yet once more, I easily and gracefully allowed my own ideas of what should happen when and how to wash away, like a colored chalk sidewalk painting mixing with rainwater in a deluge, swirling down the storm drain.

     I had been pushing myself so hard to get things finished by self-imposed deadlines that seemed to matter so much to me by that, in the grand scheme of things, were of no importance whatsoever. "But I promised I would have this done by such and such a date," I fussed at myself, mindful of the fact that it is important to honor our commitments to ourselves as a way for the Higher Self to trust the lower self. "Let it go and trust God's timing," the Universe responded, "It's ok. This new schedule better supports your work. Don't be so rigid. Go with the Flow." And so I did and it was immediately clear that the new dates give me a chance to relax a bit, catch my breath, and enjoy the creation process. Hooray for Disintegration!

    Scheduling was not the only area of my life where the Law of Disintegration was at play. It also affected my personal life as I experienced long-held beliefs about "right" and "wrong" disintegrate and be replaced by more open ways of being and doing. As I examined the origin of these beliefs, I realized that they had been imposed by society and that I had ascribed to them by default, without ever considering other options. Although they had dictated my behavior most of my life, I realized they did not match what is in my heart today.

     It suddenly became k to think and act outside the box I had lived in all my life. How liberating! Freedom and joy replaced "shoulds" and the fear of sin. This idea of "sin" was yet another illusion--an erroneous  judgment I've carried all these years. How much lighter I felt as this judgment disintegrated. And how much more light I could radiate (see the post on the Law of Radiation to discover how these two laws relate to one another.) How much happier I feel as the result of this letting go.

     The Universal Laws are always at play in our lives. What a gift to focus on one in particular and to become aware f its action throughout the week. I encourage you all to take this journey with me. 

     It is important to be gentle with yourselves throughout this process. As emotions and patterns come up around the Law in question, celebrate the fact that you are clearing old energies. Ask, "How do these energies relate to this Law?" One person wrote to me that she has been focusing on the Light Language Compass grids for Radiation and Disintegration each morning and that a lot of anger came up for her this week. How wonderful! Allow it and recognize it as part of the Disintegration of illusion. Her illusion was that this anger was not there--up until now she was in denial of it. Now she is aware of this anger that has been dormant inside of her; she can create space for healing to occur. With increased awareness of each Law, many opportunities for healing arise. Be aware and allow.

Blessings of Light and Love,



Friday, August 20, 2010

My Introduction to the Universal Laws

 A Light Language Sacred Geometry Grid to support Living by the Universal Laws.

     We are all subject to the Laws of the Universe. These Laws supercede the laws of man. When we live in harmony with the Universal Laws, consciously aligning our doing and being with them, our lives flow with ease and grace. When we are out of alignment with the Laws, we receive lessons to help us learn how to be more in alignment with them. This is an important aspect of soul growth. When we repeatedly break a Law, even when we know better, the lesson we receive may be rather harsh in order to get our attention.
     I first learned about the 105 Universal Laws from my teacher, Starr Fuentes. She mentioned them in passing from time to time in her different classes. I was eager to learn more about them and was excited to learn that they were included as part of her month-long Dimensional Mastery course, a class that teaches how to make miracles a regular part of your life by working through dimensions where physical plane laws cease to exist. I could not wait to sit in class and have Starr explain all 105 Universal Laws to us.
     But this was a class about Mastery; it was not about being spoon-fed. On the days dedicated to exploring the Universal Laws, Starr gave us copies of the 105 Universal Laws (which I believe she got from an anonymous source on the internet). She split us into pairs and told us to be prepared to give a presentation on all 105 Laws. She told us we could have 3 note cards each as we gave our presentation. We had the whole day to work on it. Then she left the room.
     I panicked--so much for mastery. As my partner and I sat outside on the porch and read through the Laws, I was immediately struck by the difficulty of the language with which they were presented. Some were relatively straight-forward but many were written in terms that I did not understand.
     What you need to know about Starr's teachings is that they involve energetic downloads (what she calls "caught teachings") that surpass spoken information. The verbal explanations are secondary to the energy transmissions that accompany them. Often I experience physical sensations such as heat, tingling, electric shocks, spontaneous movement, and numbness at the tip of my nose when these downloads are taking place. All of these sensations were occurring at once as I attempted to read through the 105 Laws. My body felt like it was on fire and I could barely focus. Even the simple explanations did not make sense. As I sat with my partner, a brilliant Harvard graduate, I was dumbfounded. It was as if I was reading Greek or Japanese. Nothing made sense to me. 
     Every now and then Starr walked by. Each time she leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I'm working extra hard on you. You're getting additional downloads for this." I was dizzy and sweating and could not think straight. I wanted to give a good presentation but how could I when I didn't understand the words?
     And then suddenly I remembered what really mattered--the downloads. I was feeling them so intensely in my body. It occurred to me that Starr's assignment was to "present" the Laws, not explain them. Maybe all we had to do was give the energies of the Laws back to her as she had given them to us. I knew that I could do this. Matching vibrational frequencies has always come easily to me. I knew in every cell of my body that I had the "caught teachings" for the Universal Laws. All I had to do was emanate these back to her.
     So when the time came for our presentation, my partner announced the name and number of the Law and I emanated the download for Starr. After about five Laws, Starr said, "Very good, Zabe. You got it. You can have the rest of the day to relax." All of the other students struggled for hours with their presentations and I got to go play on the beach!
     But I still wanted to understand what the Laws meant. When I got home from Dimensional Mastery, I slept with my Universal Laws workbook under my pillow as a way to boost my subconscious knowing of the Laws. For a year and a half, I read a Law a day and contemplated its meaning. In 2009, I gave a presentation on the Universal Laws for the 5th annual Light Language Conference. I wrote a series of sacred geometry Light Language grids focusing on the Laws that seemed most important at the time. The grid pictured at the top of this article is from that series. The energies of the colors and shapes are specifically chosen to attune the aura to being in harmony with the Laws. Just by looking at the grid and asking to be aligned with the Laws, we become attuned to higher frequencies that shift us into greater alignment.
     I still struggled with the style in which some of the Laws was written. And then it finally dawned on me: I could channel new definitions that would be easier to understand. In five years as Starr's apprentice, I had become proficient at channeling all sorts of material. Why couldn't I channel new, clear descriptions of the Laws? And so I began. The first few came so easily and the response to them was so positive that I knew the new wording was coming from a place higher than my intellect. Even Laws that I could not consciously understand came through in terms that made sense. All I had to do was get out of the way and let it flow.
     I wanted a way to bring through the downloads as well and so I decided to do an 8-shape Light Language Compass Grid to accompany each description. I started really getting into it. And it occurred to me that others might also enjoy the new descriptions and the grids. So I created a newsletter and a blog and am thrilled to share these with all who are interested. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am enjoying the process of creating them!



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Universal Law of Radiation

     The Universal Law of Radiation is all about expansion and our natural tendency to grow beyond perceived limits. It is the practical expression of Divine Activity as we continue to stretch our light beyond the boundaries of our human mind-body parameters. As spiritual beings it is our natural condition to radiate outward, emanating our energies toward Union with the Reality of our God Source. We repeat this process of radiation again and again each time our internal growth reaches a stage of vibratory activity that allows us to let go of yet another layer of subjective I-me-my-mine thinking and behaving. At this point our atoms raise in consciousness and pass out of one sphere of energized influence into a more expansive sphere of higher vibration and more conscious realization.
     Pause throughout the day and consider: Am I consciously emanating my highest possible frequencies or am I bound by self-centered thoughts that constrict my light? We all have rich blessings to share. Allow your God-given strengths to flow naturally to others as you go about your day. Be radiant. It is not necessary to DO anything; just BE the light that you are and allow your essence to radiate outward so that it touches all who may benefit from your wisdom and your gifts.
     The sacred geometry Light Language grid pictured below carries specific frequencies of colored shapes specifically selected to support increased alignment with this law. Each colored shape corresponds to the directional energies of your internal guidance system. The shapes are arranged in a compass formation, each corresponding to the following pairings of energies that relate to all aspects of our lives:

North:  Connection and Creating

North East:  Commitment and Discipline

East:  Love and Spirit / Earth

South East:  Details and Follow-Through

South:  Grounding and Action

South West:  Relationships and Communication

West:  Healing and Lessons

North West:  Intention and Decision / Desire

     It is not necessary to understand the meanings of the colors and shapes; all you have to do is experience them to receive the benefit of energetic alignment. Take a deep breath and gently focus on each shape as you consider the master energies of its compass point, as listed above. Know that these amazing shapes are light energy working with your aura, realigning you to increased levels of harmonious radiation.

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Radiation

Personal Reflections on the Universal Law of Radiation

     As I reflected on this law throughout the last week, I was aware of some of my own limiting beliefs that came up to be healed. I experienced several occasions where I felt invisible--unnoticed and unacknowledged for my abilites and contributions. In the past these slights may have caused me to withdraw, believing that I was, in fact, insignificant. But with the Universal Law of Radiation at the forefront of my mind, I made a different choice. Instead of withdrawing, I remembered an affirmation given to me by one of my teachers: I shine no matter what. So I continued to shine outwardly, aware that the people around me were not responding to me personally and so I should not take it that way. I saw that rather they were being distracted from their own light and so were unable to shine along with me in those given moments. I also knew that it was not appropriate for me to diminish my light in order to better fit in with them.
     My tendency up until now has been to take things personally and to assume that I did something "wrong" when others responded to me in negative or neutral ways. The ingrained habit of taking things personally always diminished the amount of light that I was radiating. With this self-centered focus of thinking that it was somehow about me, I was losing sight of the bigger picture.
     This week, with my focused awareness on the Universal Law of Radiation, I realized that these situations were opportunities for me to radiate outward even more, in spite of what was happening around me. In one instance I physically withdrew by leaving the situation and yet I continued to emanate love and healing to the people involved, fully aware that their behavior was about what was going on with them and that it really did not involve or affect me in any way.
     Each time we choose to radiate positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we augment the expression of the Divine Grace that flows through us. As we focus on the Divine Grace that also flows through others, we further increase the amount of Divine Grace that flows through us. Ultimately it comes down to the following question: Do I want to be part of the problem or do I want to be part of the solution? We are part of the solution every time we radiate outwards, allowing light and healing to emanate from us to a given situation or to the world at large.

Blessed Radiations,

Zabe Barnes