Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Universal Law of Economy

 Transcending the Universal Law of Economy.

     The Universal Law of Economy is a Law we are all subject to until the point when we learn how to master it. Just as some mystics learn levitation, thus overriding the physical plane law of gravity, so we may strive for liberation from the Law of Economy that initially governs all physical matter.

     The Law of Economy focuses on the activity of matter, considered to be opposite in nature to the energy of Spirit. The natural governing principle of the matter of the cosmos is for individual particles to separate from each other. Particles of matter thus dissociate from one another, each maintaining its own type and quality of vibration, rhythm, and rotation. An oak tree rmains an oak tree and does not morph into a cactus. In the physical realm of matter, the process of separaton is the path of least resistance. Matter always follows this path until a higher spiritual energy is applied.

     One step to achieving enlightenment is the mastering of this Law. When we can bring through spiritual energies strong enough to move us beyond physical separation, we become One with the matter around us. Boundaries of separation drop away, as in the case of the Buddha as he became One with the tree under which he sat.

     Take time to consider: in which ways are you ready to allow Spirit to bring you into a heightened state of Oneness with the people, places, animals, plants, and events in your life? While we may remain physically separate due to the effects of this Law, energetically and spiritually we are all connected. As you fcus on this spiritual connection, do you notice the walls of separation dropping away? Perhaps you have had the experience of placing your hand on your thigh during meditation and losing track of where your hand ends and where your leg begins. Perhaps you have had this experience while out in nature or while doing hands-on energy healing with clients.

     Focus on the Light Language Compass Grid pictured above and ask for these experiences to be brought into the forefront of your awareness. Notice these moments as they occur throughout the week.

      The colored shapes in this Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid are made of light and are three-dimensional in form. Each shape and each color carries a particular vibrational frequency and has been chosen to adjust the master energies of your Pearlescent Compass, listed below, as they relate to the chosen Universal Law.

North: Creating and Connection

 North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lesson/Knowledge and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to focus on these directional energies in conjunction with the Law of Economy and this grid of colored light. The grid will support your transcendence of this Law as you consider: What needs to shift in relation to each of these energies in order for you to transcend this Law? This particular array of colored shapes align us with the energies of Spirit that carry us beynd separation, back into a state of Oneness.

Reflections on the Law of Economy

     In high school I read about transcendence and the story of the Buddha becoming One with the tree. Intellectually I thought I understood his experience even though I had never had this experience myself. You know how it is when you're in high school--you think you know everything because you saw it on tv or read it in a book.
     Years passed. At this point I was a massage therapist who specialized in hands-on energy work. As I worked with my hands on a client, I often had the experience of not being able to feel where my hands ended and their body began. It was as if we were connected as one body. In these moments I could feel everything that was happening inside of them--not only at the location of where my hands rested, but throughout their body. 

     Then I attended a Deeksha event in Covington, Louisiana. Deeksha, also referred to as the Oneness Blessing, is an energy transmission that shifts brain functioning and brings ne into a greater state of Oneness. After receiving the transmission for the first time, I was instructed to go outside and connect with nature. I walked out onto the deck and focused my attention on a large oak tree about 20 feet away. I was struck by its beauty and as I thanked it for its presence, I suddenly knew what the tree was feeling. I knew how it felt in its trunk and how it felt in its branches and how it felt in its leaves. My feet knew the sensation of its roots absorbing water from the wet ground. My skin tickled as two squirrels chased each other up into its branches. As I experienced these sensations, my heart was wide open and verflowing with love for everyone and everything. Was this similar to the Buddha's experience? 

     This feeling of connectedness lasted for six weeks or so before it began to fade. I went to India and became a Deeksha/Oneness Blessing facilitator so that I could go deeper into the experience and share it with others. I drift in and out of Oneness, grateful for the moments that I am in that state of connection and also grateful for the events in my life that move me to seek greater connection. I am aware that in perceived times of separation, I am ever more eager to connect back into Oneness. Awareness of separation becomes the catalyst for discovering what needs to shift in order to move back into blissful connection. I recognize the times of feeling ruled by the Law of Economy as opportunities to strengthen my commitment to Divine Connection; in so choosing, the energy of Oneness unfolds in deeper, more profound ways.


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