Monday, March 28, 2011

The Universal Law of Manifestation

Being in Harmony with the Universal Law of Manifestation.

     The Universal Law of Manifestation states that we can shift our aura to hold more positive energies (love, peace, joy, etc.) by consciously directing thoughts, actions, techniques, symbols, and sounds. Through practice we become better able to maintain a feeling of love within the heart and emotional body as we maintain our focus; we thus become able to manifest change at the physical level as well. By purposefully directing the mind, we create a force as powerful as the forces of gravity and electricity. Through focused thoughts, we express the power of God. When we hold a pure thought with singularly focused attention, our thoughts manifest instantly into form so that whatever we believe instantly comes to pass. The key is to remain unattached to the thought as we focus on it alone. When we can do this for one minute and eight seconds at a time, it is more powerful than two-million hours of visualization exercises.
     The Light Language grid, pictured above, contains colors and shapes (sacred geometries) especially chosen to assist with the development of detached single-mindedness to support conscious manifestation. In our increasingly hectic world, it has become second nature to split our focus as we multi-task our way through life. We talk on the phone while checking our email and drinking coffee. Splitting our attention has become such a habit that it can be difficult to shift gears and focus on just one thing fully and completely.
     I invite you to spend time looking at this array of shapes. Focus on one shape at a time, looking only at it for as long as you can without your mind wandering to other things. When you catch your attention drifting off, shift your focus to another colored shape. Continue this process until you have directed your attention to each shape. Do not judge yourself when you notice your attention wandering; instead honor your new commitment to improving your ability to hold pure thought for Divine manifestation. Practice as often as you can and celebrate the gradual improvements you are making.

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