Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Universal Law of Justice

Aligning with the Universal Law of Justice.

     The Universal Law of Justice permeates and supports all of creation. The more that we can let go of egoic concerns about "right" and "wrong," the more this Law works in our favor to align energies in a way that is fair and just. Wrongs are instantly righted when we can maintain conscious union with the light and love of Source.
     Being in harmony with this Law requires the ability to trust in the divine design of the Universe. We can let go and let God because we know that all is in divine order. We know this not because we have been told but because we have experienced this divine order again and again, in all aspects of our lives.
     As we become more and more conscious of divine order in our lives and in the world, it becomes easier to let go of judgments about "right" and "wrong." Instead we effortlessly surrender our preconceived notions about how we believe things are supposed to unfold. We keep out of other people's business, focusing only on what feels appropriate for us in a given moment. In this way, we are divinely guided as we trust in an inherent ordering of energies that serve the highest good of all. We therefore do not waste time labeling things as unfair or unjust. We focus instead on light and love and in so doing, we experience increased fairness and justice at all levels.
     Earlier in my life I wasted a lot of time worrying about whether or not I was being treated fairly. I made comparisons, wondering, "Did I get as much as they got? Did they get more? Did they deserve what they got? Did I deserve what came to me?" I was asking the wrong questions. Better questions are, "How can I live my truth?" or "What is the lesson divinely orchestrated in this situation?" These questions create space for love and light to flow in. The more light and love we carry, the more we discover that wrongs are synchronously set right before injustice can even effect us.
     The Light Language sacred geometry grid, pictured above, supports alignment with the Universal Law of Justice. As you focus on the individual colored shapes, ask to let go of perceptions of injustice as you focus instead on trusting the divine order governing all people and all things. Notice the sense of serenity, ease, and grace that comes when we shift our focus in this way.

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