Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Universal Law of Action

Putting the Universal Law of Action into Action.

     The Universal Law of Action states that, "No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life." This Law celebrates the importance of action steps as a way of bringing consciousness into physical form. It is not enough to believe or know something in our mind; action is required to bring it into existence. Our talents and gifts are useless until they are put into material expression through the physical steps we take. 

     We can spend all day dreaming about the spiritual center we hope to have someday. We can use positive affirmations and creative visualizations to support our goal. But what specific actions have we taken for it to materialize? Have we saved up enough money to buy it or applied for a loan? Have we researched other spiritual centers in the vicinity? Have we written up a formal business plan and solicited backers? Have we become actively involved in the spiritual community where we plan to have our center? Are we made a list of all of the maintenance and behind-the-scenes work required to keep a center going and are we prepared to carry out that list?

     The Mayan Curanderos describe the layers of reality as an upside-down pyramid with the broadest part representing the spiritual realms and the point representing the physical/material plane. Our prayers gather in the upper portion of that upside-down pyramid. The energies build but only at that spiritual level. In order to bring those spiritual energies down to earth, we have to take appropriate action steps. There are different types of action: phyyscal, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Spiritual actions (prayer, meditation) build energy in the broad spiritual portion of the energy body. Conscious thoughts and beliefs about our goal brings the energy down to the next layer of the upside-down pyramid. Positive emotions and feelings about our goal brings the energy down to the next level of our pyramid. And physical action brings it fully down to the tip of that pyramid where it can now manifest on earth.

     It is not enough to maintain positive thoughts and have good intentions. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, we want to make our spiritual presence felt by our fellow spiritual beings who are also having a physical experience. Don't just dream images; paint them so that others may see. Take the actions necessary to translate your visions into physical form for others to enjoy.

     Without appropriate physical action steps, our goals remain as energy potential hovering in the upper recesses of our inverted pyramid. It is the blend of action and focused intention that brings these goals into physical form. One way that we can be out of harmony with the Law of Action is that we can be overly active without directed intention. In that case we run aimlessly in circles, busy all the time but never accomplishing anything. We will explore this phenomenon at a later date when we examine the Universal Law of Intention.

     Spend time this week journaling about the Universal Law of Action. Journaling is a physical action that will activate your follow-through, bringing your ideas, dreams, and goals into expressed form. The colors and shapes of the above Pearlescent Compass Light Language Grid have been carefully select for the particular vibrations and energies that they carry as they relate to the master energies of your internal GPS system, listed below:

North: Creating and Connection

North East: Discipline and Commitment

East: Spirit/Earth and Love

South East: Follow-through and Details

South: Action and Grounding

South West: Communication and Relationships

West: Lessons and Healing

North West: Decision/Desire and Intention

     I encourage you to focus on these directional point energies in conjunction with the Law of Action and this grid of colored light. The grid will bring you more into harmony with taking appropriate action. Not only will you be clear about the next appropriate step to take; you will find enjoyment of doing it, knowing that you are supporting yourself at a soul level.

Reflections on the Law of Action
    In contemplating this Law, I am once again struck by the difference between "doing" and "being." When we act from a place of "doing," our work may or not be accomplished. Sometimes there is a sense of urgency that accompanies our action and this urgency brings a negative energy into what we are doing. And sometimes there is resistance to the action.  Either we allow resistance to block us by giving in to procrastination or we push through the resistance with an energy of force that then creates more negative energy.
     When we act from a place of "being" rather than "doing," everything flows with grace and ease. We are in the zone. We move from one step to the next with clarity of purpose, clear about what needs to be handled in any given moment. We do not get overwhelmed because we come to trust that we will remember or know what to do when the time is ripe for it.
     My teacher Starr Fuentes often says that the difference between an apprentice and a master is that and apprentice is always doing--so much so that he ends up with "do-do" all over his face. A master, on the other hand, is focused on being and in that being, action unfolds naturally.
     I spent the last 4 1/2 years as apprentice to Starr, a woman who tends to lose touch with the earthly concept of time and who usually wants everything five minutes ago. In always striving to please her, I was guilty of having a lot of "do-do" on my face a lot of the time, especially in the beginning.
     I have paused throughout this week, grateful for the lessons that I learned from her. Through her being-ness she taught me to surrender to the flow and to trust that I will receive reminders from my guides, angels, or from the environment about the things that need to be handled in any given moment. I learned that the most important thing is to step up with ready willingness to serve and then to follow through. I also learned that no matter how tired I think I am, if I step up and show up, the energy needed to complete a given task is there for me.
     What a remarkable way to live! I realize that I don't have to try to control everything; I don't have to "do" it all myself. I can be in the flow and then the appropriate actions become a graceful dance with Spirit. I now trust God to provide the energies and opportunities and I trust myself to take action appropriately. What a shift from years ago when I alternated between being too depressed to act on anything and being so manic that I performed a myriad of random actions that were to no avail. Coming into greater alignment with the Universal law of Action has made a huge difference in my life; may it do/be the same for you.


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