Aligning with the Universal Law of Ascension.
The Universal Law of Ascension points to the upliftment that occurs when we remember our Oneness with God. As we come to realize that the belief that we are separate is merely an illusion, we begin to lighten up. We are no longer ruled by fear. We freely share our gifts because we know they are part of an unlimited supply. As we continue to raise our vibration, our life continues to improve.
Ascension does not mean that we leave the earth plane in order to enjoy a "better" existence. Rather, we bring our profound experience of Oneness into the everyday aspects of our life here on earth. We become a living example of magnificent human and spiritual potential. Our heightened vibration magnetizes others to us so that they, too, may become uplifted by the higher frequencies we emanate. In this way we assist with the ascension of All.
We can strengthen our own ascension as well as the ascension of the planet by participating fully with what is going on right here, right now. We do well to be active supporters of Ascension, not escapists attempting to run away to an alternate reality as a way of avoiding the things we do not want to face. Rather than desiring to escape earth-plane reality, we do well to embrace our experiences, consciously connecting to the many lessons they offer as we then seek to share these lessons with others.
The Light Language Sacred Geometry grid pictured above is made of light energy and is 3-dimensional in nature. Each colored shape has a particular vibrational frequency that has been specifically chosen to adjust the energies listed below as they relate to our ascension process. Starting at the top and moving in a clockwise direction, the individual colored shapes relate to:
Connection and Creating
Commitment and Discipline
Love and Spirit / Earth
Details and Follow-Through
Grounding and Action
Relationships and Communication
Healing and Lesson / Knowledge
Intention and Decision/Desire
As you focus on the Light Language Compass Grid, contemplate ascension as you focus on how to become a more active participant in the energies of your life.